Saturday, May 30, 2009

Murder Theory

I think there's a serial killer out there, in the East States somewhere. I think perhaps wandering the Appalachen trail. This is all my speculation.

His/Her murder record is to target single men with two children. Where are the mothers of these children? Are these men divorced? Are the mothers committing these crimes? Is it someone else they met or know? Is there a femme fatale out there targetting single divorced men, asking them to meet in isolated locations and then killing them? Perhaps for their identity or for cash or something else?

Nearly a month ago their was a murder in New York State, in a motel where a man took a gun shot his two little girls and then shot himself. I was shocked by the crime, and then there were two more deaths branded as murder-suicides in the area.

Now on the news I hear of another one. A man took his two children onto a nature trail, killed them and then shot himself.

Why only one man? Why is it both times there are TWO children involved? If it was truly random wouldn't it be 1 child, or more than two that were hurt?

Perhaps the most evil thing, is someone out there is seducing and marrying these men, perhaps using false IDs. Perhaps there's a death benefit under a false identity or name and that depraved person(s) who values life not at all is raking in the cash.

I think there's a killer out there, my suspicion a female drug-user desperate for the next hit, finding these men through a website or some other means and targetting them because their vulnerable. It gives me shivers up and down my arms to think of it.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Mystery Theory

Welcome to my blog! I am a big fan of science fiction writers, Isaac is one of my favorites and you know what? I've seen a lot of their futuristic theories recently start to come to pass a little bit recently. These writings are strictly theory, extrapolations or predictions of known facts and thoughts, following the smallest of clues with simple elementary science behind them.

Fact 1: UFO's when spotted typically fly straight into the atmosphere and disappear, sightings have increased over the past 10-20 years.
Fact 2: The earth has been heating up.

Here we have two mysteries of which no scientist can verifiably explain. Okay, now what happens when you have an object in our atmosphere, in any atmosphere that moves in any direction really fast?

Try closing your fingers and moving your hand through the air up, and then down. If you do it enough times with your eyes closed you can sense the difference in air pressure and resistance. This also creates wind following the general direction you are going. Like a wind tunnel.

From 6th grade science we all know that the highest amount of oxygen is near the surface of the earth, and that this thins in the higher atmosphere.

Here is my question. What would happen if you suddenly pulled a field of oxygen from a good place like near a forest, and led the way to outerspace. Would the gravity of Earth pull the oxygen back down, or would it go somewhere else?

Is Earth an oxygen farm for extra terrestrial travelers?
Is it possible UFO's could be the cause of global warming, and limited oxygen supply by depleting our natural environment for us?